Monday, September 26, 2016

To bun, or not to bun, that is the question.......

You guys might have seen this story floating around the internet today.  I pulled the story from Yahoo.  (thanks!)  The ballerina who lost a large portion of her hair due to wearing a bun.  Well, I'm not questioning the validity of the story, and I bet if you wore a bun in your hair day in, and day out, there is going to be significant loss, and damage just from the inflammation of constantly wearing a bun.  Fear not ladies !  Wear buns sporadically- Buns are the go-to trend right now for hair, and it's easy to see why.  They're an  effortless hairstyle for at work or at home.  I personally have not had any issues with wearing buns, or hair loss, (knock on wood) so, but, then again, I don't wear buns on a daily basis, or pull them up to tight.  Alternating hairstyles is the way to go.....

Cozy it up.....

This morning was colder than usual outside.  It suddenly occurred to me that Fall is finally here.  It's quite alright in my book.  Why you ask?  Because it's Fall.  It's quite possibly the best season in my opinion.  Lots of reasons why:  1.) temperature  2.)  sweater weather  3.)  it's fun to make comfort food  4.)  pumpkin everything 5.)  Fall footwear !
As I took Bear out for a walk, I realized that I kept on the tried and true, worn out, grubby Birkenstocks as my "go-to".  I've worn these bad boys all Summer, but, what's great about Birks is that they are SO versatile.  I can keep wearing these right into Fall, paired with leggings, cabin socks, sweaters, and even long tunics.  The Birkenstock trend has been around since, like, forever.  Recently, they are back, and with force.  I have seen them everywhere.  Mind you, not just on the tree-hugger, hippie-loving feet either.  I have seen the silver T-strap Birks with sleek, black business style attire, and I have seen the 2 strap white, worn with dresses, and even business casual wardrobes.  Whatever the reason, style, or season, it's fun to dress these up.   
Stay cozy.....
- D